cb share config

Dear all, since I have to transfer quite often specific (not all) settings from one C::B installation to another I've developed an application that ...

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Code::Blocks是一個免費的開放原始碼IDE,並且主要開發C/C++而設計。跨多種平台,也可運用外掛程式自由擴充功能。 開放原始碼C/C++開發環境。 跨Windows、...

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  • Author Topic: "C::B Share Configuration" tool (Read 14013 times) MortenMacFly Ad...
    "C::B Share Configuration" tool
  • Dear all, since I have to transfer quite often specific (not all) settings from one C::B i...
    "C::B Share Configuration" tool - Code::Blocks
  • http://planettucker.com is where you can learn more about me and my services. This videos ...
    1st Lesson CB Configuration - YouTube
  • Long story short I can't copy my abbreviations with 'cb share config' utility....
    Can't copy abbreviations with 'cb share config' - Code::Blocks
  • cb_share_config man page cb_share_config — Import/export parts of Code::Blocks configurati...
    cb_share_config command man page - codeblocks | ManKier
  • Name cb_share_config - Import/export parts of Code::Blocks configuration Synopsis cb_share...
    cb_share_config(1) - Linux man page
  • cb_share_config.exe is not a virus and it is safe to have it. Click here to see what is cb...
    cb_share_config.exe file- What is cb_share_config?
  • Home Stats Applications cb_share_config.exe cb_share_config.exe Users: 63 Computers: 34 Di...
    cb_share_config.exe | WhatPulse
  • codeblocks中搜索!还有cb_share_config.exe怎么用??manual上说:The tool cb_share_config.exe, which can b...
  • To change cursor colour just goto Settings -> Editor -> Margins and Caret ... the de...
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  • 2010年8月21日 - That's when CB Share Config comes to play. Note you'll need to use t...
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  • Did you even look in the CB install folder for cb_share_config.exe? Not sure if Code::Bloc...
    Import settings
  • Provided by: codeblocks_10.05-2_i386 NAME cb_share_config - Import/export parts of Code::B...
    Ubuntu Manpage: cb_share_config - Import/export parts of ...
  • 裡面說只要下載「codeblocks_oblivion.conf」這個檔 and use the command "cb_share_config" to me...
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  • 2015年1月3日 - Win7/Win8 可以透過下列方式找到該程式。 當開啟CB Share Config 程式後,左邊選擇你所另存的*.conf 檔,右邊選擇Code::B...
    阿牛滴Blog: 新增修改Code::Blocks 的Colour themes
  • 2014年3月17日 - 執行CB Share Config (這個會在安裝Code::Blocks 的資料夾內,程式集裡面也會有) 執行完後,左邊選擇剛剛新建的檔案,右邊選擇C...
    黑暗儲藏室: C++, Code::Blocks, Dark Theme